How To Invest Regardless Of The Latest Headline

Financial HeadlinesOn June 14 2005 , the newspaper headlines sprang the news that the central Government in India was mulling over the idea of legalising euthanasia – under the garb of mercy killing.

Well stated, I suppose economics is made out to be way more complicated than it truly is. After all, most house wives understand the fundamentals of economics and running ahousehold. Equally, they seem to understand (much better then governments) what debt is all about. As to our (thankfully departed) current Labour authorities – I doubt that they may have run a candy store with out driving it into bankruptsy!

What mainstream economists failed to comprehend was that the whole economic system, including all people on the top, makes cash because the individuals on the backside spend cash. And the people on the very backside get a lot, or maybe most, of their cash straight from the government. Instead … Read more