Unilever: Driving Sustainable Living in Business

In the fast-paced world of global business, a few companies stand out not only for their financial success but also for their unwavering commitment to environmental and social responsibility. Unilever, a multinational consumer goods company, has emerged as a beacon of sustainability through its ambitious initiatives aimed at driving Sustainable Living in Business. This article explores how Unilever is not just in the business of selling products but is actively shaping a future where business success and sustainable practices coexist harmoniously.

Unilever’s Sustainable Living Plan: A Blueprint for Change

Unveiled in 2010, Unilever’s Sustainable Living Plan is a comprehensive strategy that integrates sustainability into the core of the company’s operations. This ambitious plan outlines three main goals to be achieved by 2020:

1. Improving Health and Well-being:

Unilever aims to enhance the health and well-being of one billion people by 2020. This involves initiatives to address hygiene practices, promote healthier eating habits, and contribute to societal challenges related to health.

2. Reducing Environmental Impact:

Unilever is committed to reducing its environmental footprint by achieving a 50% reduction in the environmental impact of its products. This encompasses areas such as water use, waste generation, and greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Sustainably Sourcing Raw Materials:

Unilever has set the goal of sustainably sourcing 100% of its agricultural raw materials. This includes a commitment to reducing deforestation, supporting smallholder farmers, and ensuring responsible sourcing of key commodities like palm oil.

Key Initiatives Driving Sustainable Living:

1. Sustainable Sourcing:

Unilever recognizes that the journey to sustainability begins with responsible sourcing of raw materials. The company has committed to sustainably sourcing key agricultural commodities, including palm oil, soy, tea, and paper. By engaging with suppliers and promoting sustainable practices, Unilever aims to reduce deforestation, protect biodiversity, and uplift the livelihoods of farmers.

2. Water Stewardship:

Water scarcity is a global challenge, and Unilever acknowledges its role in addressing this issue. The company is working towards reducing water usage in its manufacturing processes and promoting water conservation across its value chain. Unilever’s commitment to sustainable water stewardship aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6, which aims to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water for all.

3. Circular Economy Practices:

Unilever is actively embracing the principles of the circular economy. This involves designing products for longevity, recyclability, and reduced environmental impact. Through initiatives like the “Zero Waste to Landfill” program, Unilever aims to send zero non-hazardous waste to landfill from its manufacturing operations.

4. Social Impact through Brands:

Unilever’s brand portfolio includes products that contribute to social impact. For example, Lifebuoy, a brand under Unilever, runs initiatives to promote handwashing and hygiene education, contributing to improved health outcomes in communities. Similarly, the Dove Self-Esteem Project focuses on building body confidence and self-esteem among young people.

5. Climate Action:

Recognizing the urgency of addressing climate change, Unilever has committed to becoming carbon positive by 2030. This involves a transition to 100% renewable energy across its operations, the use of green energy alternatives, and collaboration with suppliers to reduce overall carbon emissions.

Challenges and Achievements:


Implementing such an extensive sustainability plan comes with its challenges. Unilever faces obstacles related to the complexity of its supply chain, changing consumer behavior, and the need for continuous innovation. The company acknowledges that achieving sustainability requires collaboration with partners, stakeholders, and consumers.


Despite challenges, Unilever has achieved significant milestones. By 2019, the company had reached 47% of its target to source agricultural raw materials sustainably. It had also reduced its environmental impact per consumer use by 37% since 2008. Unilever’s commitment to transparency is evident in its regular updates and progress reports, allowing stakeholders to track the company’s journey towards sustainability.

Consumer Trust and Business Success:

Unilever’s sustainability efforts extend beyond altruism; they are integral to the company’s business strategy. Consumers today are more environmentally conscious and prefer brands that align with their values. Unilever’s commitment to sustainability has helped build trust among consumers, resulting in increased brand loyalty and market share.

The success of Unilever’s sustainable living initiatives is reflected in its financial performance. The company has demonstrated that sustainability and profitability are not mutually exclusive. In fact, Unilever’s sustainable living brands reportedly grew 69% faster than the rest of the business in 2019, indicating a strong business case for eco-friendly practices.

The Ripple Effect: Influencing the Industry and Beyond

Unilever’s commitment to sustainable living extends beyond its own operations. The company actively engages with industry peers, governments, and non-governmental organizations to drive systemic change. Through initiatives like the Tropical Forest Alliance and the Consumer Goods Forum, Unilever collaborates with stakeholders to address shared challenges such as deforestation and plastic waste.

Unilever’s influence goes beyond its industry. The company is a vocal advocate for sustainable business practices at global forums and contributes to the discourse on corporate responsibility. Unilever’s CEO, Alan Jope, has emphasized the need for businesses to play a leadership role in addressing pressing global issues.

Looking Forward: Unilever’s 2039 Vision

As Unilever strides towards its Sustainable Living Plan targets for 2020, the company has set an even more ambitious vision for 2039. Unilever envisions a future where it will no longer be contributing to environmental degradation. The company’s commitment to making all its products recyclable, compostable, or reusable by 2025 is a significant step towards achieving this vision.

Unilever’s 2039 vision also includes helping one billion people improve their health and well-being, continuing to champion sustainable sourcing, and becoming a carbon-neutral company.

In Conclusion: A Blueprint for Sustainable Business

Unilever’s journey towards sustainable living in business stands as a blueprint for others seeking to integrate environmental and social responsibility into their core strategies. The company’s commitment to sustainability is not just a set of lofty goals but a fundamental transformation of its business model.

As Unilever continues to drive change within its operations and across the industry, it exemplifies the power of business to be a force for good. Unilever’s story inspires a new generation of businesses to view sustainability not as a burden but as a path to long-term success, resilience. And positive impact on the planet and society. The legacy of Unilever’s sustainable living initiatives extends far beyond the company itself. Contributing to a global shift towards a more sustainable and equitable future.